Rail or Die
Survive on your train with lots of items, craft, weapons and fun!
It is recommended to play in full-screen mode! ([O] on keyboard or menu button)
This is far from the final version of the game, so feel free to offer ideas and opinions.
- Main - WASD + Mouse
- [Space] - Jump
- [E] - Interact
- Hold [E] - Interaction Menu
- [F] - Backpack
- [P] - Pause Menu
- [O] - Fullscreen
In Inventory:
- Double [LMB] - Quick Transfer 1 item
- [Shift] + [LMB] - Quick Transfer Stack
- [Control] + [LMB] - Quick Transfer Half of Stack
Q: How not to die?
A: Turrets go BRRR, drive them and shoot by [LMB] to defend. Also, build more turrets to avoid long turret's cooldown.
Q: How to remove structure?
A: Hold [E] over it and choose "Remove" in menu. You will get item back.
Pro guide:
- Firstly, your main goal must be Weapon Table, which will give you the opportunity to craft better weapons. You can also try craft second MG Turret mk1, it should help for a while. You will be able to disassemble this turret and get the machine gun back.
- When Weapon Table is done, next goal is turrets from it, at least MG Turret mk2 and then special ones - HE and AP Turrets, but it needs specific items, which can be obtained only from traider.
- Somewhere here you can try to craft upgrades from the Upgrades Table or craft Advanced Weapon Table and MG Turret mk3 from it. During this, you can craft a Milling Machine to create weapon and mechanical parts.
Music & Sounds from freesound.org
Special thanks to all game testers: Ragebolt, Leem Miroff, GreenRadiation and others.
Development log
- Rail or Die - Automatic Turret WIPJul 02, 2022
- Rail or Die 1.2.3 - Russian LocalizationFeb 01, 2022
- Rail or Die 1.2 - Introducing the Route Map!Jan 29, 2022
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Great game! Loved the defend the train while trying to reach your destination idea. Plenty of upgrades choices.
Does anyone know how to get a motor without trading?
really cool game, I spent a lot of time on it :)
This is insanity! Terrible!
SUCH A BANGER GAME. needs coop tbh 9/10
Great game
i have so much fun playing this
tho after you got quad MG,Flak/HE cannon feels useless(AP cannon is okay).even with HE upgrades
Buff Flak/HE cannon please
Amazing game, it would make the game a lot better if it were multiplayer, and automatic turrets would allow for even more fun!
Great Game. I would like to suggest adding bomber enemies that come again if you don't kill them, in the fight.
Loved the game, I reached the upgrades late enough that I was in danger from the birds, but early enough that I was able to make it through the days. Amazing game, and from what I've seen in reddit and GameJolt I'm eager for the updates to come.
I was playing and found this bug out with the weight of the bird droppings, I passed the stack back and forth but it remainned.
The pixel art is beautiful, absolutelly loved it. I loved the detail of the traders being gone after you turn back for them, though it only happens if you go back to see them.
Favorite thing anout the game is definitively popping the big birds with the AT Turret, one shot, the sound, the screen shake, PERFECTION.
If for some reason the dev is reading this. Beautiful creation. I got some ideas and feedback if you're down, though ultimatly it's your game and an amazing one at that.
Feedback - I think the repair kits might be a bit cheap, maybe experimenting with it needing an extra alloy or using more than 5 of them will delay departure. After around 30 days I was able to get all the upgrades and turrets and focussed on getting as much iron, through stationss and trading. I felt like I could go on up to at least day 100 (I reach day 69 before choosing to turn around and go head first into the storm).
Idea - Like having the possibility of adding a second car for more space, but in turn the birds will attack it as well and may be out of screen when in turret mode.
Idea - I was really glad that I was able to outrun the storm when I turnned back. But one can stay out of the storm with little sense of danger. Maybe ever so often the storm could have bursts that envelop the train. Maybe the chance for that is related to the amount of time spent in each stop.
Idea - Maybe a chemical turret might be interesting. There would be nuclear waste stations or power plants to give the player the resources to make it. What it would do is weaken the birds but not kill them. Maybe they attack each other or they do die from it, but not for a couple of seconds after being hit.
Idea - Hostile track stops. We can travel to the different stops but unsure if it's safe or not. The gun used to craft the MG turret could be equipped and used for self defense. Maybe other animals have also gone wild. Or other survivors, or more swarms of birds that are nesting in the stop.
Idea - A pet cat. Just a friendly cat that has a little corner in the train and can ever so often be found muchin on a bird after surviving a trip.
Thanks for reading all of this. Yall have a good day. And thx for the game.
Thank you so much, I always really enjoy such detailed feedback. I am glad that my little game was able to interest and please you. Unfortunately the development of the game is currently stopped, although I have some progress and plans for its rework. If you want, I can share these little pieces in a discord or something like that.
Sad to hear that, hope they are well.
I would love that, this game has such promise that I can't help be curious about it.
I added discord to my profile so feel free to DM me
are u still working on this ?? i cant find your discord
i got to day 56
I like this game, but it's controls are a bit finicky. Aiming is a challenge in that its not that responsive and smooth, making it hard to aim. The movement is also funky, as you need to hold to move even a little bit and even then you move too far.
Very good game! I got every upgrade, gun and work station. the only problem I found was that it says "contunue" in the menu when its supposed to say "continue"
I'mmm baaaackkk, hope I didn't miss any updates-
Made it to day 62. Amazing game, looking forwards to future updates like more variety in enemies.
Will there be more updates?
I hope so :) BTW, I showed some development process on GameJolt page
Is there a way to cross my save file over to the Game-Jolt version?
No, but the versions here and there are the same anyway
Oh, and- I also got some neat update idea's,
1: (Maybe make it possible to upgrade the explosion radius of the explosive- gun- thing-)
2: Maybe add a way(/upgrade) to expand your train, but it would be- like- really expensive-
3: Maybe add a gun that is able to switch between MG mark II and the sniper by using left click or right click for shooting. And give the guns separate heat meters or make the sniper part give more heat. And it would cost the same as both guns in one crafting and take the advanced gun crafting table to make
(Ya obviously don't have to make any of this it's just random neat idea's )
can you save progress
Yeah, progress is saved automatically every time you arrive at the station (an icon appears in the upper left corner). Then you can load in the main menu.
A rather fun little game, actually managed to make it to day 30, blasting birds of all sorts and upgrading till I reached what I see as the peak, Mk3 machine gun, AP gun, and Explosive Flak gun (which I must admit even when upgraded kinda sucked), and even tried to purposely get stuck in the storm, sadly not much changes other then number of enemies, so with that, I think Ive finished my run. A few updates id suggest is more guns, maybe the ability to hire other survivors from the traders, have them man other guns for you to maximize killing potential, maybe buff the damage on the explosive kamikaze birds, and make the storm more dangerous, and FEEL more dangerous, like dark forboding clouds with many many mini birds fluttering in the sky as well as the swarms of actual threats, maybe some echoing demonic sounding caws.
Fun but it still miss a lot of things. The idea is great and the prototype (it's the state as I see for the moment) is pretty fun and we can see the potential. But it is very basic so I do recommend cheking the game it's a cool 20 maybe 30 of fun but don't expect much more. The game has potential so I am curious to check it in some month to see how well it has improve.
Also please make some fight in the hangar like fighting wolf, boar or again birds but for the moment the worst part of the game is really the hangar that feel very forced so it's not just the shooter.
It looks and plays really cool! Only played to day one but im gonna play more of it for shure :D